3 月 11, 2024 | 公司新聞
ChineseAN 和我們的母公司 Ignite Vision 很榮幸能夠參與將於 3 月 13 日星期三在香港會議展覽中心舉行的 MarketingPulse。 MarketingPulse 及 eTailingPulse 匯聚環球市場營銷官、零售商、品牌代表、廣告界精英和電子商貿專家,就全球行銷及電商發展動向分享真知灼見及成功案例。與會者可透過業界翹楚的分享和實用工作坊,緊貼市場脈膊,同時亦可與同業交流,攜手打造創新顧客體驗,以應對變化萬千的營商氣候及市場需求。...
12 月 31, 2015 | 公司新聞
ChineseAN.com joins with Conson released exclusive limited offer to Conson’s users (For first 50 registration only). From now on until 29 February 2016, Conson’s user can visit the promotion website to register this offer, enjoy as low as 5%* online...
8 月 18, 2014 | 公司新聞
Ignite Vision won Bronze Stevie Award in the Company of the Year (Advertising, Marketing and PR) in the 11th International Business Awards (IBA), which was announced on August 13th. Stevie Awards are the world’s premier business awards program. The 2014...